
Out of Province Reimbursements

Helpful Tips

Receiving medical services outside of your home province means that you most likely will have to pay out of your own pocket to receive the care you needed. If you reside in a province outside of Ontario, TeleHealth4U physicians can offer you medical care for which you will have to pay and apply for a reimbursement from your home province. Once the visit is completed, you are able to submit your receipts for partial reimbursements directly from your home provincial government.

What you need to know

Each province reimburses at its own rate. Please visit your province’s health government website to learn more about the details of these rates.
Keep your receipts. Ensure to keep your original receipts and make copies so that you are able to submit them for reimbursement.

Review your Employee Benefit Plan

When your province sends your payment, and a remittance advice, the amount that was not paid is called ‘not publicly covered’, and therefore, qualifies for reimbursement under most employers’ benefit plans. Go to your HR contact or benefits provider with the documents from your provincial health insurance showing what portion was covered and paid. Then ask for your benefits to cover the non-covered balance under your ‘discretionary benefits’ or ‘flex dollars’ account. Many people are unaware that these benefits exist or that they can apply these unused funds to cover non-provincially-insured medical care, but they usually can. Most patients are able to receive close to 100% reimbursement for their care using both of the reimbursement options.