

Canada’s Innovation Leader in Community Healthcare

Founded in 2018, TeleHealth4U is one of Canada’s largest and most diverse multi-specialty virtual healthcare systems. With our growing network of medical professionals across Canada, TeleHealth4U offers our patients and partners a variety of ways to connect with us, use our platform anytime, anywhere 365 days a year. Our operational and technological integration with the health system provides us with unique opportunities to develop innovative healthcare solutions.

TeleHealth4U can provide you, and your employees options when accessing medical care, use our platform anytime, anywhere 365 days a year. We offer a broad range of occupational healthcare options delivered either on-site or near to your facility, including the largest Virtual Care services program in Canada. We also provide rapid-access WSIB care for injured employees, pre-placement exams and physicals, vaccination and chronic disease management programs. Supplement your existing EFAP services with Virtual Care. No other service is as cost-effective or provides direct-to-doctor as easily or seamlessly for employees and executives.

With our global network of virtual care, we are experts in sub-leasing or co-locating medical space with pharmacies and allied health practitioners. We have years of experience working with small independent owner-operators, as well as national chains. Our Telemedicine or Virtual Care program are the way that we work with pharmacists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, kinesiologists, pedorthists, audiologists and massage therapists across the country to provide better access to doctors in communities everywhere.



What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine allows you to connect with a doctor through a secure video conference, in real time. A Telemedicine visit is just like a regular visit with a doctor, only the doctor you will be seeing and speaking with is on a screen. Just like a regular doctor’s appointment, your Telemedicine visit will be private and confidential. It can only be seen and heard by the health care professionals involved.

What is Virtual care?

Virtual Care allows you to connect with a doctor through a secure video conference, in real time Virtual care (telehealth) is the delivery of health-related services and information via a myriad of different technology solutions. Studies show that implementation of a virtual care system can dramatically improve the overall health and outcomes of patients using the system. At TeleHealth4U, you are always speaking to a live doctor from within our own network.


We are driven by creating experiences that deliver results for your business and for your consumers.



“A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. We're gonna do it. On your mark get set . Got a dream and we just know now we're gonna make our dream come true! Why do we always come here guess well never know. Its like a kind of torture to have to watch the show.”